Home > Coffee > Ethiopia Yirgacheffe (16 oz.)

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe (16 oz.)

Ethiopia Yirgacheffe (16 oz.)
Ethiopia Yirgacheffe coffee beans are incredibly popular. It being from the first growing region of coffee. Yirgacheffe is a town in central southern Ethiopia that has an elevation of 1,880 and 1,919 metres above sea level. Ethiopia Yirgacheffe coffee beans are considered the best high grown coffee because of its' high altitude growing conditions. They are hand picked & go through a wet process method. Ethiopia Yirgacheffee coffee beans are fermented for about 72 hours which allows for the bean to gather up the sugars from the coffee fruit giving it that full body texture & a taste that your palate will definitely thank you for. Our beautifully & personally hand roasted Ethiopia Yirgacheffe coffee beans are a light to medium roast. The body texture is full but not strong, very mild acidity & an absolutely pleasant after taste. Your tastebuds will recognize Earthy & citrusy tones with hints of bergamot & a chocolate finish. Let your palate understand this is the way coffee should taste while experiencing its' history all in your cup. Our coffee beans are certified FTO & Organic.
Retail Price: $34.00
Price: $24.00
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